Our Projects


Join in on the Turtle Projects in Sri Lanka as a volunteer in a turtle sanctuary and contribute to the conservation of the island’s beautiful sea turtles

The main aim of this sea turtle program is to monitor sea turtle activity and protect their nesting ground located in the southern coastal line in Sri Lanka. The project has flourished since its establishment in 2014, with teams of staff and volunteers undertaking various conservation measures, and has expanded to include 4 turtle hatcheries in total.

  1. Mahamodara Turtle conservation project
  2. Koggala Turtle conservation project
  3. Victor Hasselblad Turtle hatchery kosgoda
  4. Ahungalla Sea Turtles Conservation Project


One of the chief activities carried out by volunteers at this turtle sanctuaries is the maintenance of its hatchery. Inside the shelter, gathered and rescued eggs can hatch in safety, unharmed by predators, within the refuge of the custom built hatchery, prior to their liberation into the sea at night. A few hatchlings of each batch are retained for a short time in order to educate locals and tourists about the importance of turtle conservation. In addition, this allow for a ‘head-starting’ program before release, in which these particular groups of turtles have guaranteed survival for their early years, and can be let loose into the ocean when they are more mature, thereby increasing their chances of survival.

 The hatchery program intends to boost the number of baby turtles making it into the water and surviving their precarious early life. Unfortunately, very few hatchlings from each bale survive into adulthood in their natural environment, and as turtles are only capable of procreation following the age of 25, this presents a problem for the rate of turtle reproduction. Due to this very reason every nesting site, every egg, every hatchling and every turtle is vital for the continuation of the species, and maximizing survival is what the volunteers and staff at the sanctuary strive to accomplish.

 It is greatly because of the assistance this project continues to receive from volunteer teams that we have been able to achieve such laudable results. This conservation effort depends on the participation of some truly committed individuals, and you, too, can help undertake a central role here.


In this project, you will play a major role in the day to day care and maintenance of the turtles. Working with the turtles here entails a wide variety of tasks, including:

Caring for the turtles that live at the shelter

5 species of turtle reside at the shelter (green, olive ridley, loggerhead and hawksbill), and your chief focus during this volunteering experience will be taking care of them.

Maintain sanctuary grounds and beach

This will be an integral part of your task, as you will need to ensure that the nesting grounds are as well preserved and secure as possible to provide the hatchlings with the best chance of survival.

Burying the eggs

This is another necessary part of the program. Fishermen often bring turtle eggs to the sanctuary and it’s essential that these are swiftly buried as a precaution from premature hatching.

 Cleaning and constructing the hatcheries

Maintaining good hygiene is essential in keeping turtles healthy. According to the schedule, you will be responsible for ascertaining that the tanks and hatcheries are clean. You will also get to clean the turtles shell!

Feeding the turtles

This will of course be a daily task, and you will be involved in cutting up and preparing the meal, which chiefly consists of tuna, before feeding it to the turtles.

Turtle release

Often volunteers favourite activity, this is the culmination of what you have been working towards during your volunteering experience. You will be releasing the babies back into the ocean, frequently a sentimental moment. On a more practical note, you will generally need to be on hand to scare away predators, including birds.